Mechanical engineering

Metanous helps machine builders develop cloud applications, web applications and complex integrations that generate extra value for their machines.

Platform knowledge combined with machine knowledge: strong combination

Metanous helps machine builders unlock their devices. The machine builder often initially wants to get an accurate view of the use and condition of the delivered devices, but the customers are also offered additional options via a modern web platform.

Metanous' expertise starts where the machine generates data. Capturing, processing, making available and presenting this data is part of our daily tasks. Based on our proven methodology, in combination with our building blocks, we build scalable solutions for our customers.

Based on the IoT functionality of the Azure cloud platform, we create your own service platform, adapted to the needs of your company. From predictive maintenance and dashboarding to advanced machine learning and AI, we build together with you the solution that makes you unique in the market.

IQ Test V2

How smart is your machine?

Digitization is high on the agenda of many companies today, but what does this mean for machine builders? How can smart machines create value?

Metanous develops innovative custom software that makes the difference. From our experience we have drawn up a simple IQ test for machines that gives an indication of the digital opportunities.

Take the test

work together

Need help developing your software platform?

Metanous is happy to help you develop a platform for accessing your machines or machinery.